Dear Hearts,
Brrr . . . Yes, much of the U.S. is a bit chilly to say the least.
February isn't everyone's cup of tea -- even when served hot and steamy with their favorite honey.
Despite the weather and all the inconveniences which accompany this month, February gets a bad rap -- sometimes undeserved.
First of all, it is the month which kicks off the Lunar New Year, this one being the Year of the Snake.
Yours truly was born in the year of this legless reptile.
Supposedly, our strengths include wisdom, charm, and strong intuition. We usually think things through, prefer to keep things private, and are really good at understanding and caring about others.
I'll take it!
Alleged weaknesses are jealousy and being suspicious.
Nope. Not me. If anything, I'm the opposite: too trusting.
Second, February is Heart Month. I hope yours is a happy one, Dear Hearts --- in mind, body, and spirit.
This second month of the year is packed with days of celebration: The Feast of St. Brigid of Ireland, Martin Luther King's birthday, Black History, Presidents' Day, Super Bowl, and, of course, how can we forget the Love that is Valentine's Day.
Perhaps you do not celebrate any of the aforementioned special days on the calendar -- especially if you work in a field where you are without the luxury of enjoying any of those days off.
No worries. There are plenty of winter sports and other activities available for your winter love, and I understand that February first is "Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day"! (Who knew" I thought that was every day!)
Admittedly, having grown up in the Midwest-turned-confirmed-California-weather-wimp, winter sports were never my jam.
However, I DO hold precious memories of my siblings and I sledding down Art Hill in St. Louis as well as plopping a huge purple overstuffed chair on a sled, all of us piling on toboggan style, holding on for dear life as we zipped down the hill in front of our house. We were sledding on all sorts of household items long before snow tubing became a thing: automobile hoods (and other parts), the bottom plate of Mom's vacuum cleaner (complete with casters) and inner tubes. You name it, we tried it.
Super fun!
Even with plastic sandwich bags over our mittens and socks, we only lasted about two hours before we'd become frozen popsicles. But we didn't care because we knew Mom would have hot chocolate and popcorn waiting for us inside, And sometimes, we'd gather fresh snow and add vanilla to make ice cream (not for breakfast, though. After all, Mom did have a rule or two)..
Here in Northern California, if we want snow, we drive a few hours to Tahoe, play in the fresh white powdery stuff, then drive home.
Weather wimps, indeed.
But February offers more Love than candy and flowers on the fourteenth, Dear Hearts.
Here's a list to get you started:
Catch up on your reading, all snuggled up in your favorite pajamas, blankie, and special hot beverage. Personally, my night stand stack contains four books at the moment just waiting to be enjoyed. How about you?
Get out of the house once in a while and meet a friend for a warm meal, beverage, and a face-to-face catch-up (with phones tucked away!).
Try a new winter sport (that is, if you're not a weather wimp like me). February has a ski week here in NorCal where the kids are off school and families head for the slopes. Ice skating, hockey, snow tubing (I do enjoy the tubing - worth bundling up for). Not your thing? Trust me, Dear Hearts, I get it!! You can always attend a game supporting a local team -- especially fun if a friend plays. They will appreciate your support.
Enroll in a community class. This is the best time as, certainly, you'll not want to be indoors in a month or two.
Prep your garden. I'm not a gardener, but I understand this is a good time to do certain things (I don't know what) to get ready for planting.
Purge. Donate. Give away, Toss.
On the days that are sunny and not freezing, go for a winter hike. Refreshing!
Go to the gym. (Yeah, I'm not a gym rat, either. However, I am a swimmer and my gym has an indoor heated pool, nicely set up for laps. Get after whatever workout works for you).
Cook!! Even better, cook with a friend or loved one. (I don't do this either, but I do like to bake. I give it away almost as soon as it exits the oven, or I'll eat it! I enjoyed enough carbs over the holidays to last me until next Thanksgiving!).
If the roads are safe, go for a drive somewhere new-to-you. It will clear your head.
If you have vacay moolah, take off for somewhere warm / tropical.
Attend a new-to-you gathering. OK, so this isn't for everyone, I know. As an EXTRAvert, this is one of my favorite winter activities. Meet some new people! Love it! Visit a house of worship, go to a lecture in person (enough with the online videos!), host a potluck for a few friends at your house, attend an intimate concert or performance. Many colleges present plays and musicals for their communities at a nominal price.
Re-visit a hobby or project you've been meaning to finish -- or start a new one!
Naturally, Dear Hearts, this is not a comprehensive list. Hopefully, it will ignite your sparkling imagination and you will come up with something that suits you, fits your budget and schedule, and brings you joy.
Whatever you choose, make February the month of Winter Love!
Now, you'll excuse me, Dear Hearts, while I head for Squaw Valley where I will ride the gondola up the mountain to zip around the snow park in a giant inner tube (So fun! I always ask the guy working there to spin me around a few times and give the tube a swift kick so I go fast!!). As for my chronic "weather wimp" condition, I have a very warm super puffy white jacket -- it's like wearing a sleeping bag. I can last almost as long as I could when I was a kid, sledding on who-knows-what for hours.
Happy Heart Writer