Dear Hearts, Happy Mother's Day to all!
I must admit, this holiday snuck up on me this year. I could blame my quarantine-brain, but to tell you the truth, I'm doing well to know what day of the week it is and procrastination has all but taken over my [still] happy isolated heart.
I assume I am not alone. I did manage to send out a little treat to my late husband's mom (I hit the jackpot in the mother-in-love department), and plan to call her later today (She's a popular lady, so I want to get ahead of the herd). My own dear mother is deceased but I still think about her -- not just on mother's day, but pretty much every day as I hear her voice come out of my mouth on the regular. Love you, Mom!
I am continuously in awe of my fabulous grown kids and their wonderful spouses who now sometimes "mother" me. It amuses me, yet I am appreciative at the same time. I constantly learn from these intelligent, beautiful, loving youngsters!
But today, Dear Hearts, I read something in one of my online writer groups which gave me pause. And that is appreciation for all the "mothers" in my life. Spurred on by a comment made by a brilliant fellow writer in response to a soft challenge to share reflections on motherhood, she writes: "Lately, I tend to hold a more expansive view of motherhood as those who care for anything living . . .including Mother Earth . . ."
I love this.
As I think about all the moms out there who are "in the trenches" right now -- the ones who are co-parenting, single parenting, working (perhaps from home), not working and trying to balance a budget on fumes, homeschooling, home school assisting, fill-in-the-blank . . .
. . . I am in awe.
You all may not receive the mother's day celebration of your dreams while in quarantine (a simple nap was high on my wish list when my kids were growing up!), but I hope and pray your day is special in some way.
In addition to all the mothers in my lifetime -- of which there are way too many to list in one blog post -- who taught, looked after, put up with, inspired, wiped away tears, laughed with, and did "life" with me -- three special ladies come to mind, present day. Among others, they are a few of the nurturers in my life for whom I am Grateful.
These are not shameless plugs, Dear Hearts, as I receive no monetary compensation for these shout-outs; however, the absolute expertise, compassion, and passion of Katie Hodges, Ketura Topps, and Shawna Majerus have me in constant wonderment.
Allow me to break it down for you.
First: Katie. She is the real deal. A mom of two pint sizers, biz lady, super smart (married like kind . . .she has standards!), Katie is an incredible health and wellness coach. Most of all, she has a heart for moms in particular. Not only does she blow me away and I learn from her, she's a phenomenal wellness coach -- has both the paperwork and street cred to back it up. Need help with that area of your life, moms? (Who doesn't?) Check her out at .
Second: Ketura. She is one special enigma! A gifted Reiki Master, she has come to my rescue more than once, Dear Hearts! Ketura is all about Balance as a lifestyle and aligns herself with fellow practitioners with like-minded goals; hence the name of her practice, "Ready.Balance." Attuning, Balancing, Reiki Instruction, Distance Reiki (Yes! She can work with you from afar! Very effective -- and, of course, in person when we're all allowed out of our cages) to name a few arrows in her quiver. For the quintessential mind / body / spirit balancing experience, discover her at
Third: Shawna Majerus. What a treasure! Her story is one you need to experience. A two time cancer survivor, mom of two, and Master Yogi (I especially appreciate her role in "Holy Yoga"), she is one strong woman. I say strong because of how she handles the craziness life throws at her -- yet, she speaks softly, does not carry a big stick, and has a quiet affirming style. You can find her at .
So, there you have it!! Three fabulous women (I could name so many more!) in my personal mastermind circle whom I intensely admire on a personal level, and who could provide much soothing of the rough edges for you or the mom in your life. Or. . .if you so choose, have a good read, checking out my mother's day holiday short written last year:
Love you all, Dear Hearts! Stay safe and well.
Happy Quarantine Mother's Day!!